Have you ever gone to a website or called a doctor’s office asking to set up an appointment and never gotten a response? Or maybe you ended up in a game of phone tag. We all know that no one wins at phone tag.

Often, new technologies in doctor’s offices can lead to more frustration. Instead of connecting you to your doctor, you feel disconnected and frustrated.
That is not the case with Dr. Austin Roberts Family and Implant Dentistry. Our office has implemented new technology that works for you and connects you directly to Dr. Roberts. Every time you text us, send a Facebook message, his phone pings and he can respond to your questions within minutes.
By using the messaging capabilities of Rhinogram, we can follow up after an appointment and answer any of your questions. Questions related to insurance or tooth pain can all be answered with a simple text. You can send pictures and attachments through messaging, reducing the need to fax, or having to deal with cumbersome web portals.

The most critical part of all of this is that your personal information is protected. Your messages are encrypted and is handled in a HIPAA-compliant manner.
So instead of waiting for your next game of phone tag, send us a text now to set up your next appointment or ask a question. Dr. Roberts or one of our highly qualified office staff will be in touch with you shortly.
Go ahead and start texting! Feel free to text us at 423.713.5555 about any dental questions you might have. We would love to talk with you more and answer your questions.